Monday, April 6, 2009

Karma is a Fickle Bitch

My years of Facebook-stalking and judging pretty much every set of tits, asses and mugs placed before me has come to bite me in the proverbial ass. I was recently Facebook-stalked by some of Mrs. T's co-workers and they displayed a concern our offspring would share a trait with a loveable character we've all grown up with.

Guess which one of these characters was I identified with and what facial feature was thus mocked?

Will this stop me from judging and mocking others? Fucks no. Will I embrace my new nick name as a badge of honor and as a sign that I really need to pluck my shit? Probably. Will this cause me enough concern to man-scape them? Probably not. My only concern is they remain plural and not mono.

Anyways Bert feels bushy brows are much better character traits than a cleft palattes or AIDS.

Bert: Whattaya see, Ernie?

Ernie: [points his binoculars at Bert's nose] Your nose, Bert [he laughs]

Bert: Oh go fuck yourself Ernie.

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