Well after thinking about it for approximately two minutes in the shitter today, I realize that our faithful Gamestop clerk Chris only recognized my face but definitely didn't remember my name. When picking up another reserved game yesterday, he asked for my telephone number (for identification purposes people, not to have gay ritualistic sex with me). It was only after that point that he referred to me by my name.
This realization at first came as a relief to me. I may have many nerdish qualities, but I haven't plummeted into the world of Dungeon and Dragon-ers, Trekkies, and Comic-Con attendees. The fear of being recognized in an establishment like Gamestop like I was drinking at Cheers brought upon much worry that I could be associated with those types. Whew.
After the sudden relief, I became upset. I thought Chris and I had something deeper than the customer-retailer relationship. He was supposed to provide my much needed gaming camaraderie and allow me to boost my ego at his expense. Now I just feel used, much like the feeling you have the next morning when the night before a stripper used your weakness for her monetary gain. All Chris was after was my expendable income. But I should've seen the signs.
1) He always tried to sell me on something else whenever I was there, whether it was a game guide, a potential heater coming out in a few months with 50 hours of hardcore limb-decapitating gameplay, or a midnight release party where you could get a special gold colored in-game weapon or action figure.
2) He would ramble on about his gameplay experiences, his favorite games and the fact he got to demo games much earlier than his "non-industry" counterparts. He never asked me about my favorite games, if I liked long walks on the beach, or if I would like to join him on one of his gaming adventures. I would give and give and give, and he never gave back.
3) He made me wait in line with among the hordes of overweight, gouda smelling patrons. The game I picked up yesterday Fallout 3, he did not allow me to cut in front of this overweight man and his overweight wife. I thought my company was important to him but I found out the hard way he'll service anyone any age or size, pretty or ugly.
I feel about the same as when Cashmere the stripper told me I was cute and then took my money without finding out more about the real Higgy. All she did was do her little dance, take my money and run. Chris is nothing but a lousy stripper to me now. Unfortunately I have to see him again. I have one more game pre-ordered that I have to pick up next week and it is at that time I will let him know that I have to terminate my relationship with Gamestop. I will also have to tell him he will receive a poor rating from me on the online survey he requested me to fill out.
Why do I always put myself out there only to let myself get hurt?
I hate bad customer experience
4 years ago
Maybe you need to make the first move to take your relationship to the next level . . .
I've been told you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
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