Left aghast by the fact that Jeff Ross was even considered a star worthy of being a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars."

This schmuck is now calling his old employer asking for his job back at Bobby Layman Chevrolet, Inc.
Cueball is smug knowing that his portfolio is well diversified while the greaser to his left is forced to pawn off his watch and his gold chain.
Why do the majority of these brokers need Bosley hair restoration? Because all they seem to be doing these days is running their hands through their hair. There are hundreds of different variations of this exact image all over every news medium.
Instead of looking bloated, maybe you could improve your appearance and marry into money so you don't have to worry about this shit, huh? Ok...ok...you're right, that wouldn't work because you're too much of an Indigo Girl for that. Am I sexist pig? Yes. But please tell me you have a problem that a rich penis wouldn't fix.

The expression of pain on his face is as if Kim Jong Il just raped and pillaged his homestead. I can't even rip on this dude, he's just way too damn depressing. However not depressing enough for me to not exploit him and his image. "Fo-give-uh-nuss prease."
I write this post and how am I topped? MSNBC creates a slideshow of suffering marking the end of American Capitalism.
You definitely are pussy whipped . . . you made a "Dancing With the Stars" here in a lame attempt to make up for the previous entry which detailed the passage of corn, hamburger and whole grains through the lower digestive system of a male human in his mid-20s following a filling meal that was consumed while watching a semi-exciting football game on an early Sunday afternoon which saw two teams play who should be better than they are but one quarterback has an issue with his noggin because on the 4th play of the second drive in his team's second preseason game as he was dropping back for a six-step drop pass the blitzing outside linebacker came through untouched because the right tackle misheard the play and stepped in first instead of picking up the correct player that led to a violent hit that left the quarterback temporarily in a haze that sent him back to a day when he was 8 years old and was just about to go down an old school tin slide on a bight sunny day but as the knocked out quarterback was remembering this event he saw his younger self gliding in pain down that tin slide because his short polyester shorts had gotten caught on a jagged edge at the top of the slide that exposed a fair amount of his little bottom that became burned from heat that radiated off the tin slide that sat collecting heat in the midday sun and it was then that the one quarterback came back to as the scent of smelling salts were presented under his nose by the trainer who happened to work closely with the running back who was playing for the other underachieving team on that Sunday afternoon who was slowed by a high ankle sprain that was received about 56 days prior on a Saturday afternoon where the running back was walking in the woods behind his house walking his dog when he came upon a family of baby rabbits that his dog immediately began to devour although the running back did his best to pull his dog away by turning his whole body with leash in hand away from the nest with such a force that his tender ankle became sprained in a high location which now is the reason that you see two underachieving teams on a Sunday afternoon that are so bad you continued to eat every hamburger on the plate that Cathy cooked for you until your stomach told you that you could not finish one more bite because if you did then the impending bowel movement of corn, beef, and grains would manifest itself in a steaming semi-solid pile on your couch instead of giving you enough time to make it to get your keyster to the holiest of holy seats to relieve yourself by allowing the digested food to fall aimlessly from your anus into a bowl of clean water.
Yup, those 495 words of awesomeness just blew your mind!
Mind definitely blown. However you don't need to bring helpless Cathy into the fray as we talk about shit flying from our proverbial asses. She doesn't need to further her embarassment of me and my short living erections.
Wall of Text crits you for 1337. You die.
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