Friday, April 10, 2009

Wedding Preparations

While Mrs. T and I are preparing for our wedding, you'll need to prepare yourself for the various dances that we feel are essential, nay required to be memorized for the celebration of our nuptuals. Below are videos displaying each of these dances:

Crank That

Instructional video for Crank That

Stanky Legg

Bird Walk

Cupid Shuffle

The Ricky Bobby

Disclaimer: Mrs. T has not approved of any of these dances and more likely than not they will be shot down. Especially the Ricky Bobby. But you have to admit that shit is pretty fucking ghetto/tight.

1 comment:

SartasticMeg said...

I honestly CANNOT WAIT to see Cathy's mom's face when you pull out some of these moves. I'm so excited and it's over a year from now!