- I recently got a new job and I have been spending my time at work acclimating myself to my new responsibilities and not wasting my time corrupting an already morally deprived World Wide Web.
- My blog decided to have unprotected sex with another blog and in the process procure a dose of AIDS. However this was not full-blown AIDS and my blog made a random Magic Johnson-esque recovery.
Since my last entry, I organized a skiing/snowboarding trip to Seven Springs Resort just outside of Pittsburgh with the usual gang of Hova, Mouthful and Thomper. This combination has proven to be quite potent when mixed together and random occurences always occur, normally at my expense. Below are some of the finer points of what Mouthful deemed as "Our Bromantic Getaway".
- Trash-talk begins the week leading up to this trip. Mention of previous adventures and mishaps were thrown at eachother as usual. Events such as Jewish-coitus and strippers were laced into already highly inappropriate emails being tossed from one Nozzle to another during work hours.
- We all convene late one friday night to this small two room condo with 2 beds. If your math skills are up to snuff there were a total of 4 dudes occupying this space which meant there was going to be some Brokeback bunking involved.
- Being that the space was in fact small and lacked a proper space for Caps revelry, Thomper came up with the clever idea of moving both of the beds into one bedroom and setting them side by side so that the bunking could become even more homosexual.
- This bunking was complicated even further by the fact on a previous trip to Cincinnati with the same group, I woke up to having Mouthful in the same bed as me completely naked under the covers. I was entirely clothed mind you but the experience has left me clinching my asshole every time we gather.
- Hova was kind enough to provide a large cooler filled to the brim with beer, which was supposed to be entirely consumed by 11 am Sunday morning checkout. Foreshadowing doesn't get clearer than this folks.
- Thomper and I teamed up to challenge Hova and Mouthful only to get our dignity thrown back in our faces.
- In order for a Man-Cation to be truly Bro-Mantic, a hot tub must be involved. All four of us toasted bastards went into the locked Spa area of the condo complex after hours. All of the lights in the room were off but the outside lights shined through the windows really setting a Bro-mantic mood in the area.
- Mouthful, being quite possibly the gayest of the foursome, turned on the fireplace to create even more of a dramatic effect.
- Mouthful, Hova and myself proceed to enter the jacuzzi tub and relax while Thomper sat outside of it and watch. Thomper is quite the voyeur and I'm sure the combination of the hot water glistening our bodies made him pop a chubby so he felt the need to sit back in the comfort of the shadows to play himself a personal game of "Different Strokes."
- The next day after a long siesta, we hit the slopes. Since I am a complete vagina and this was my third time snowboarding and my first time using the board and boots I bought off of a friend, I required the help of Hova and Thomper to strap me in properly. I looked like a little kid having his recently married gay parents help him tie his shoes. Since our condo was at the top of the hill, I had to fall down the entire hill in order to buy my ski pass so that I could be carried back up the hill to repeat the process. This was going to be a long day for me.
- Not so much for Thomper though. With his dashing good looks and his incredible freakish height, he was immediately called out by a middle-aged clerk. "Hey look at this monster!" I don't recall what else exactly she said to him because a) I was not directly involved b) I just finished looking like a pansy getting strapped in by Will and Grace c) My memory only kicks in when the spotlight is on me. This woman was quite comical and told us she would meet us at the Foggy Goggle later for drinks. Lying bitch.
- All day I continued to stumble up and down the hill. I forgot from my previous two times how hard the extreme outdoor sports are on your legs. I'll continue speaking through my vagina for a little longer.
- At one point, I ended up sliding head first down the slope on my back in the middle of a large crowd of people.
- At another point I caught the front edge of my board in the snow only to launch myself in the air and land directly on my gut. That slightly hurt...my spirit.
- Someone probably associated with the resort was filming actual snowboarders completing tricks and decided they were not interesting enough so he turned the camera on me being a complete putz repeatedly falling on my ass. I think I told him to go fuck himself under my breath.
- I think I told a lot of people to go fuck themselves under my breath. The people of this area (All Steelers Fans because Ben "Touched by or on a child" Roethlisberger was there at the resort celebrating another fucking Super Bowl win) were complete assholes and would try to cut me off between my clumsy self and the edge of the ski run all definitely on my blind spot. The assholishness continued with the piss-poor service provided by the ever-so-enthusiastic staff.
- At one point I got so fed up, I walked down the slope. Mouthful was not happy babysitting this whining vaginal canal.
- Since Seven Springs Mountain had a large penis and enjoyed hate fucking me, I was a sore vagina and needed to find solace in food and spirits. So Mouthful and I head there and Hova and Thomper met up with us later. After grabbing some grub, Thomper decides to use the public channel on his walkie talkie to try and talk me off a ledge. Supposedly I had the look in my eye that I wanted to kill myself after my ritualistic rape. He proceeds to say things over the air something to the effect of, "Higgy, you don't have to do this. We all care deeply about you and you don't need to throw your ragged carcass off that ledge. Ok, screw it man, I did all that I could. Just kill yourself, what do I care?" I don't remember exactly because mountain penis is directly tied to amnesia. Or maybe it's the fact I didn't give two shits.
- After awhile, I was convinced yet again to head up the slopes but I had a little more success. Not enough to make me look like I could drape my testicles over some hapless fuck's eyes, but enough to end the day on a high note.
- After our long afternoon of hitting the slopes, we hit the jacuzzi tub to rest our aching bodies. We arrived there only to see that some 40 year olds and their children were already occupying the space. But they were drinking so we figured they were good guys and we plopped right next to them drinking our Bud Light.
- We start shooting the shit about sports, alcohol and pussy (mainly its ability to whip us). We were enjoying ourselves while the kids were fiddle fucking around with the sauna and the lanyard holding the condo keys.
- Well the old bastards end up leaving with the kids and after we finish our beer we get out only to find those fucking kids jacked our condo keys. Given that we were in our bathing suits, two of us didn't have shoes and it was fucking freezing outside, all of our cell phones, car keys and wallets were in the condo, we were pretty much fucked. Mouthful and I start throwing a shit fit while Hova and Thomper calmly try and handle the situation.
- I exclaim that I would beat the shit out of the child who did this in front of his fucking father. Thomper calmly reminded me that one of the guys had a Marine tattoo signifying he offed somebody and let me know that going down that path wouldn't end well.
- We look around and start knocking on doors. We ask some of the drunken people around if they knew where these people were at but their slurred speach indicated they would be of no help.
- Further thinking that we were screwed and freezing, we asked if we could step into their party just to warm up and grab a beer to calm us down. The people outside happily obliged only to find an angry mob of people giving us the proverbial stink-eye. This was some fraternity party (we believe they were the "Ashers") where they had ugly chicks in nothing but their bras wasting the sweet nectar of alcohol by dousing these bitches in it. We knew we were not welcome and promptly left.
- Thomper got the bright idea to check to see if we actually locked our condo door only to find we did not close it all of the way. Our negligence proved to be our savior. But it was also my negligence which put us in this situation. Oh well, we are all relieved and happy again.
- We end up venturing down to the Foggy Goggle and we start drinking. Thomper ends up seeing some chick he knows and starts attempting to mack on this broad. Some chick starts trying to pimp Hova, so Mouthful and I just sit back and chill.
- After a few hours of fucking around, Thomper tries to head back with the girl while Hova, Mouthful and I head back to the condo.
- We were all tired and as we hop into bed, Thomper calls to let us know he got stranded outside of the apartment where the girl was staying. Looks like the lady wasn't wooed by him. Also it was crucial to note that Thomper had no fucking clue where the fuck he was, which pissed me off in the ever most slightest of ways. The only details he was able to provide were that the place was by a golf course and the place was called Mountain View Villas.
- I had a rough idea where the golf course was but being that Mouthful was my babysitter all weekend, he drove while I navigated. Hova didn't even flinch when Thomper called and remained in bed well rested.
- Being that Thomper was in a drunken state he was borderline emotionally touched by the fact we would make the effort to venture out to get him. He let us know his love for us but I ignored it for the simple fact that I was tired and about to venture out to no man's land to find him.
- As Mouthful and I head to the car, Mouthful already suffering from a headache slipped on some ice and fell on his ass. I proceeded to tell Thomper, "You just fuckin made Mouthful fall damn it." Mouthful was calm and somewhat graceful about his errored dismount and was trying to calm me down. Honestly, don't get in the way of me and my fucking sleep.
- So of course being that we were on a fucking mountain and it was dark, it also had to be foggy. I mean really foggy. So much so that we could only see 5 feet in front of us and Mouthful drove at probably 5 miles an hour. My job was to lead him to the golf course and also let him know if he was creeping too far right with the car. Scared shitless doesn't begin to describe my thoughts at this time.
- We end up meandering our way up and down the mountain and by the grace of Allah we found the mountain villas and picked him up. He tried to push his way into the back as a way of punishing himself for not securing the deal with the chick and potentially fucking us halfway to Tuesday. I sat in the back and the car ride back proved to be one of complete and utter silence.
- We head back to the condo and pass out only to have to wake up 7 hours later to arrange all of the furniture back to its original order and try to rid the place of the stench of Mouthful's constant spilling of beer.
- The next morning after packing up, we head out to a smorgasbord somewhat nearby to grab some food and regale about the misadventures of the previous weekend. Thomper is reminded of all of the crap he forgot the previous night and in effigy he proceeds to take a 20 minute Carlos Zambrano in the place.
- The establishment is filled with the Sunday morning local church crowd and a random woman with extremely fake tits. We make note of this oddity and move onward.
- Due to the fact that I had not showered that morning nor the night before, my hair still had "product" in it and was standing awkwardly. So as a good gesture, I placed my cap on my head. Well this deeply disturbed one of the ancient locals rocking a Jesus Piece and after stammering back and forth in my periphery I finally looked her way and she said, "You take your hat off when at the table." At this moment I was shocked at her balls and I stared at her for a second fighting back my anger to have Hova tell me to remove my hat even though he kept his on. He did the smart thing though because he say the wheels turning in my head and knew shit would hit the fan.
- I remove the hat but my anger starts to kick in when I realize I just followed that fucking hag's bidding so it fuels it even more. Of course since this weekend further widened my sopping gape, I did nothing about it but point in her direction and remark to the others that I would show her a thing or two about God.
- I honestly wanted to say one of two things to this lady in hopes of initiating a heart attack. I first contemplating saying I had cancer but I knew karma would kick my ass harder for that. Then I contemplated responding to her by saying, "Are you saying this to me because I'm black?" This would have confused and stunned the old coot which would've allowed me to follow that comment by kicking her cane, spinning like Michael Jackson during his "Billie Jean" years and yelling "Owww!"
Only this type of shit happens to us. I'm looking forward to pissing off more people with these guys. I'm sure I forgot some other key moments of that weekend but this post was long enough.
I'm back bitches.
1 comment:
Wow, good to have Higgy the Blogger back. One of these days I'll need to get in on one of these adventures.
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